I think it can take a few seconds to switch over to LSE - the oscillator takes a while to stabilise and Espruino runs off of LSI until it has. If it fails to start the oscillator (note that you can't use C15 for anything as that is an oscillator pin) then it'll stay with LSI, so that could be what's happening in some cases?
So you're saying that the time from getTime is always correct, but it's just the interval that isn't working properly? If so it'll be some issue with the Espruino firmware itself.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
I think it can take a few seconds to switch over to LSE - the oscillator takes a while to stabilise and Espruino runs off of LSI until it has. If it fails to start the oscillator (note that you can't use C15 for anything as that is an oscillator pin) then it'll stay with LSI, so that could be what's happening in some cases?
So you're saying that the time from
is always correct, but it's just the interval that isn't working properly? If so it'll be some issue with the Espruino firmware itself.