@Peter That looks like a really neat little board! I'm afraid it's been quite difficult to keep supporting the Olimexino - while the RAM is enough for doing simple things, the lack of flash makes it hard to cram everything that's needed in (especially as a lot more memory gets used up with trying to be more JS compatible now).
Having said that, you could compile your own version of Espruino. The filesystem support takes up quite a lot of flash, and as you don't have an SD card you could remove that and could then add the graphics library instead. It's as simple as changing USE_FILESYSTEM=1 to USE_GRAPHICS=1 in the Makefile under OLIMEXINO_STM32.
Of course it'd be cool if you (or the board's designers) could contribute the relevant stuff (Makefile changes, and a boards/FOO.py file) to add 'proper' support with pins named in the correct way.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
@Peter That looks like a really neat little board! I'm afraid it's been quite difficult to keep supporting the Olimexino - while the RAM is enough for doing simple things, the lack of flash makes it hard to cram everything that's needed in (especially as a lot more memory gets used up with trying to be more JS compatible now).
Having said that, you could compile your own version of Espruino. The filesystem support takes up quite a lot of flash, and as you don't have an SD card you could remove that and could then add the graphics library instead. It's as simple as changing
in the Makefile underOLIMEXINO_STM32
.Of course it'd be cool if you (or the board's designers) could contribute the relevant stuff (Makefile changes, and a boards/FOO.py file) to add 'proper' support with pins named in the correct way.