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  • I just was playing around. Now that the board seems to work, I'd like build some touch UI on top of it and that were my first steps last night, when I realized that calling the connect function again would result in adding watches, not deleting the former. Just wanted to get rid of the older ones and see where I would put the switching of "active" screen areas.

    You're probably right about the re-init, so I'll try to put the picking behind that one callback.

    I still seem to have to re-polish my JS skills. Right now I always end up with code copied into handlers when I just want to pass a reference to a function and I still have no idea on how to access/create "top-level"/global vars from within a handler. Is there a name/reference for the Espruino top level object (the one I get with "this" when in the shell)? Or maybe that's just the wrong pattern to communicate between handlers and set up a system.

    BTW: Also I see a growing number of "LCD = {}" entries when I look into the var with dump(). I can do multiple "delete LCD" to get rid of them, but neither do I know where the come from, nor how multiples of them can exist be created in the first place.

    So. Arrived at the JS level, at last :)


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