That's an odd one - I've never seen that before! Does it clear off completely? It looks like corrosion, so you'd expect that the metal shield might look a bit damaged after.
Is there a possibility that the PCB inside is getting damp at all?
If so, I'd make sure you give it a really good rinse out with water (maybe leave it to soak for a bit) and make sure it's left for a week on a radiator to really dry out. It's probably still got some of the detergent in it
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That's an odd one - I've never seen that before! Does it clear off completely? It looks like corrosion, so you'd expect that the metal shield might look a bit damaged after.
Is there a possibility that the PCB inside is getting damp at all?
And is this the Puck of yours that went through the washing machine 3 years ago? It looks like it's the same revision.
If so, I'd make sure you give it a really good rinse out with water (maybe leave it to soak for a bit) and make sure it's left for a week on a radiator to really dry out. It's probably still got some of the detergent in it