Thanks! I think realistically given all you've tested so far and the fact it was doing the LOCKUP loop when you got it, we need to send you a replacement. I'll send you an email in a few minutes with more information.
On battery usage, that does seem a bit high, but it can depend a lot on usage. As @fanoush says GPS will drain the battery fast, but things like leaving unread messages (so the icon flashes), or having a clock with 'clockinfo' and then leaving it showing a running stopwatch or your current heart rate can drag the battery down quite a lot as well...
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Thanks! I think realistically given all you've tested so far and the fact it was doing the LOCKUP loop when you got it, we need to send you a replacement. I'll send you an email in a few minutes with more information.
On battery usage, that does seem a bit high, but it can depend a lot on usage. As @fanoush says GPS will drain the battery fast, but things like leaving unread messages (so the icon flashes), or having a clock with 'clockinfo' and then leaving it showing a running stopwatch or your current heart rate can drag the battery down quite a lot as well...