• #2
Hi! Sorry about this - I think the issue is with bit-ordering (in Graphics.createArrayBuffer we changed the default value to be msb-first in new Espruino builds)
I've just updated the display driver modules for the LCD/OLED screen to explicitly ask for little endian, so if you try uploading again now it should work (without the need for mirroring in setRotation)
• #3
Hi Gordon,
Thank you very much for the update!
I will give it a try. -
• #4
Short feedback: Yes, the update solved the problem.
The "Pico LCD Hello World" example (https://www.espruino.com/Pico+LCD+Hello+World) does not work as expected.
A) When I write something, text is shown mirrored (see picture "Hello-World-Mirrored"). Due to this I added 'g.setRotation(0,1);' to the code, directly after the 'g.clear();' .
B)When I try to increase the font in "Improving it...", I get scrambled text. It seems that the higher rows are cut off and displayed below the main text (see "Hello-World-Split" picture).
I get the same scrambled text on an SSD1306 I2C display (see "Hello-World-I2C" picture) using the I2C setup:
I2C1.setup({scl:B6,sda:B7}); // I2C Setup
var g= require("SSD1306").connect(I2C1, start);
Any idea what I may be doing wrong?
Thanks for any help.
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