There have been a bunch of changes this time that you should really notice...
Jolt.js: Increased available storage from 40 to 400kb!
Bangle.js2: Hugely improved speed on GFX, input handling and filesystem. GPS improvements, and more reliable firmware updates from bootloader
Espruino: Many small bugfixes and optimisations, and better support for JS classes, add Serial.isConnected to check if Bluetooth/USB/etc connected
Packet Transfer Protocol:Documented here this protocol allows binary transfer of files to/from Espruino over the existing Serial/REPL connection (as well as evaluation of data). The IDE/App Loader isn't using this yet, but will be soon hopefully. This is working really well for faster, more reliable uploads.
Waveform: Play waveforms direct from storage and support for +/- pins to allow 2x loudness on speakers and no decoupling capacitor
Graphics: image alignment, fast paths for 1/2/4 bit images, .dump/.asBMP generate 16 bit images that Chrome can read, plus other misc fixes
STM32: E.getClock for getting clock info, fix for USB corruption when deep sleep is enabled, and other tweaks
Nordic: better BLE compatibility connecting to other devices (Bluefruit CCCD), added E.setComparator to easily allow the comparator to be used
Math.randInt (not in JS spec, but extremely useful for embedded)
Pin.getInfo() now returns 'output' and 'mode' values
ESP32: more accurate timers, and a .setIP/setAPIP function
ESP32C3: Some big improvements to make this build pretty usable now
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
I've just pushed a new release of Espruino, 2v25.
There have been a bunch of changes this time that you should really notice...
(not in JS spec, but extremely useful for embedded)Pin.getInfo()
now returns 'output' and 'mode' values... plus a bunch more. Check for full details.