Hey there, sorry to bother you again, but would it be possible for you to share the original project file? I was planning on having the case CNC machined, but STL files are not suitable for this purpose, and all my attempts to convert it have resulted in files with artifacts which the various CNC services have rejected. If I had the original file, I could make my adjustments in whatever software you used and then directly export it as a clean STEP file.
Thanks a lot!
Hey @Beathoven, sorry for the long wait, here's the file. Tell me if this works for you (i used the free version of fusion 360 to make it), otherwise I can maybe export it in another format
@user159197 Here you go! I just had to make some parts of the model parameterizable and then it was easy to change the width of the wristband from 20mm to 22mm afterwards. This also includes the fix from my first try, with the slightly larger holes for the wristband mounting bar (using 1.25mm instead of 1mm holes), so I hope this works for you out of the box :)
@halemmerich, that looks really good! I'm starting to get pretty jealous of your 3 buttons and the usb-c port there. I hope airport security won't ask you to much about your watch next time you fly, though ;)