• #2
I think you need
but notFLASHFS
was added in https://github.com/espruino/Espruino/commit/a167bd3eeb3fcdd3667562a96e8a8aba44e68d93
to allow some of the flash memory to be used by turning it into a FatFS filesystem.At the time the
module didn't handle multiple files well so @Wilberforce wanted wanted a way to expose it, but I believe doing so uses FatFS so it can't be used for other stuff (at least in the current implementation).Personally I'd like to remove FLASHFS totally now. I don't know what others think but IMO it's a bit confusing having two different filesystems, one of which appears in the IDE one of which doesn't. For instance the second post on the forum right now is https://forum.espruino.com/conversations/400842/#comment17584054 where this exact thing has happened
We could remove FlashFS and change the partitions so we have a great big area for Storage - and because of the way Storage stores data it's all memory-mapped, so if you write something to it (for example an image) it can be used in Espruino straight from Flash without ever loading it into RAM.
• #3
Flashfs needs to be disabled to have E.connectSDCard running (see jswrap_file.c)
Comparing the comfort of having a file system for flash memory (storage), and not having the chance to use an SD Card, my winner is SD Card.
Last not least looks to me Flashfs being a special function for ESP32 only.
In a project some data should be stored for later use.
My decision is to use an SD Card, to be open for a lot of data.
Problem is E.connectSDCard, I get an error message.
Somewhere in my mind is a feedback like "you have to build your own binary"
After some jumping through sources, I could see FLASHFS and FILESYSTEM.
This is where some confusions starts with different boardfiles for ESP32
First is ESP32.py having both set
Next is ESP32_IDF4.py where both are commented
And for different boards
ESP32C3_IDF4.py, both are commented
ESP32S3_IDF4.py, only FLASHFS is commented
What is the reason for different handling.
What should I do to build a version which supports SD Cards and runs on a standard ESP32 ?
I could use ESP32 WROVER oder WROOM and would prefer the WROVER with additional memory