Please try and cover the middle two contacts with tape or paint though - the charge contacts did look a bit corroded and without the middle ones covered they'll all continue to get a lot worse until you have problems again.
Just for others: The Bangle won't auto-start when it's on charge, so even if the battery is flat and you put it on the charger the display will still be blank - you have to hold the button down after the battery has had a chance to get some charge in it.
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Great, glad it's working again for you!
Please try and cover the middle two contacts with tape or paint though - the charge contacts did look a bit corroded and without the middle ones covered they'll all continue to get a lot worse until you have problems again.
Just for others: The Bangle won't auto-start when it's on charge, so even if the battery is flat and you put it on the charger the display will still be blank - you have to hold the button down after the battery has had a chance to get some charge in it.