That's really strange about the palette - I'd have thought Uint16Array would have automatically used a flat string in that case, but glad you got it sorted!
Then only the base64 encoded buffer is transformed to binary and copied to the watch. That seemed to be the only way to reference it from flash memory
Actually if you just use the base64 text with atob("...") then when uploaded from the app loader, the strings are 'pretokenised' by default and will be kept in flash (inside the JS file) without you having to worry!
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
That's really strange about the palette - I'd have thought Uint16Array would have automatically used a flat string in that case, but glad you got it sorted!
Actually if you just use the base64 text with
then when uploaded from the app loader, the strings are 'pretokenised' by default and will be kept in flash (inside the JS file) without you having to worry!