Just to follow up on this, Yesterday I found one of the new watches that seemed to exhibit high battery drain after I started it up (I don't know at what point it started - whether it was writing to flash, using touchscreen, etc).
Yesterday over the course of 4 hours it lost about 50% power, which is what you guys had mentioned.
However I restarted it with a long press of the button (~8s until it shows some blocky onscreen text and ==== finishes going across the screen) and left it over night (no 'factory reset' was needed so apps/settings were as before), and there's been basically zero power draw in the 15 hours since (it's still on 100%).
I've done a bit more fiddling (using the app loader to install a new app) and I'm trying to see if that causes the increased power draw again, but for the moment it looks like doing a reboot with a long press of the button does fix the power draw issues, as others have reported as well.
Hopefully this works for you too - if you find a way to start the high power draw again please let me know. If I can reproduce here I can almost certainly get a fix in very quickly.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Just to follow up on this, Yesterday I found one of the new watches that seemed to exhibit high battery drain after I started it up (I don't know at what point it started - whether it was writing to flash, using touchscreen, etc).
Yesterday over the course of 4 hours it lost about 50% power, which is what you guys had mentioned.
However I restarted it with a long press of the button (~8s until it shows some blocky onscreen text and
finishes going across the screen) and left it over night (no 'factory reset' was needed so apps/settings were as before), and there's been basically zero power draw in the 15 hours since (it's still on 100%).I've done a bit more fiddling (using the app loader to install a new app) and I'm trying to see if that causes the increased power draw again, but for the moment it looks like doing a reboot with a long press of the button does fix the power draw issues, as others have reported as well.
Hopefully this works for you too - if you find a way to start the high power draw again please let me know. If I can reproduce here I can almost certainly get a fix in very quickly.