• #2
i tried with an hardware spi, but I don't save much time. 1 tenth of a second
SPI2.setup({mosi:B15 /* sda */, sck:B13 /* scl */, baud:integer=1000000,}); g =require("ST7735").connect({ palette:colorPalette, spi:SPI2, dc:A7, cs:B10, rst:B1, padx:2, pady:3 // height : 160 // optional, default=128 }, ecrit );
• #3
var spi = new SPI(); spi.setup({mosi:B15 /* sda */, sck:B13 /* scl */});
You could use hardware SPI and set higher speed?
Also you could try to enable JIT compiler in the flip() method
but that may not help that much.Also there is the relatively generic lcd_spi driver
that could maybe work with ST7735 -
• #4
why so low (1Mbit)? these displays can do much more, 16 or even 32Mbit could work (not sure what is the limit of your board)
• #5
thank you.
i do not investigate which baud i could use.
I've tried with 32Mbits and a delay of 50ms between each frame. It works but i take 0.4s (30 percent better) but 2.5 frame/sec.
and with an ugly scanning refresh. -
• #6
The ST7735 module does use an offscreen buffer. Some modules for driving screens (like https://www.espruino.com/ST7789) offer a mode where they render direct to the screen, so you could try copy/pasting the code to do that instead.
Sending direct causes more flicker but if you're not overwriting much of the screen it could be faster.
Hello, i'm back from a long circuitpython session...
I'm playing with a small 128x128 SPI TFT display with a short generative prog
But the display take 0.65sec to screen the picture drawn in .02s
Is there a way to send faster to the display?
and avoid image scanning?