• Just got this sorted - I hope. The IDE now redirects users to the app loader, but even when doing a firmware update with the IDE, it now detects the flashing failure and retries automatically at a slower speed, which appears to fix the issue at least on the one PC I have with the problem.

    Storing the old firmware is possible I guess - although the bluetooth DFU is a Nordic protocol so we'd have to extend it somehow to do a backup first. And as I recall it was pretty tight getting the bootloader in the assigned space, so we might have to use more pages for it.

    I feel like it's probably not a huge deal though - I mean, sure, it feels bad if the upload fails and you can't boot, but your device isn't actually bricked, and assuming you find https://www.espruino.com/Firmware+Update#nrf52 there are a bunch of apps on different platforms that can re-upload the firmware for you in a minute or two.

  • Storing the old firmware is possible I guess - although the bluetooth DFU is a Nordic protocol so we'd have to extend it somehow to do a backup first.

    I meant that the IDE could do it before starting DFU - would be feature of espruino or even dynamic js code uploaded via IDE - set up correct flat/native string pointing to the firmware and just write it to file - almost a one liner. Same could be done by some firmware managing app or in app loader - to make backup of current firmware before upgrading.


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