• hi,
    for me on latest GB.js and firmware,
    today is the 2nd time (in this 2 months) that somehow the pattern launcher AND "swipe back to clock" seems wont work, even after re-install, so i have to format(=factory reset) it again.

    to me, it seems it happened after i changed the fontsize back to 18? i am not sure.

    may be could play with that later when i am in the gym, thanks

    update 231119T014901,
    it happened again within 2hr, while i factory reset the bangle and re-install everything again.
    the pattern launcher + swipe back to clock did n't work again, after i try to send a sms(/w chinese) to phone and pass to bangle.

    may be the pattern launcher is too heavy?
    i'll try use bangle without the pattern launcher and see.

    however without pattern launcher, the bangle cant prevent access from anybody (although pattern launcher only provide partial). would be nice if later bangle could have build in pattern lock or PIN lock? like android etc.



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