Thanks for the video - that's really interesting. Having the display invert when the backlight turns on is very strange - it's another sign that something is broken on the connection to the LCD.
Either there's something like corrosion on the PCB shorting the pins together, or perhaps the connection to the LCD itself has come loose.
I'll send you an email in a second - looks like you didn't get the watch that long ago so I'll see about getting you a replacement.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Thanks for the video - that's really interesting. Having the display invert when the backlight turns on is very strange - it's another sign that something is broken on the connection to the LCD.
Either there's something like corrosion on the PCB shorting the pins together, or perhaps the connection to the LCD itself has come loose.
I'll send you an email in a second - looks like you didn't get the watch that long ago so I'll see about getting you a replacement.