So just to be clear, you actually bought https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005726070115.html and that's what is in the picture above?
Yes, exactly. Getting two with untracked shipping would be $9.75 total including VAT and shipping for me. I actually got three with tracked shipping so it was $5.6 a piece :-)
Yes 32mA looks like short, maybe the battery cannot give much more than that, not sure what the wiring can be to work like that.
Wow, it's surprising about the piezo - my understanding was that they didn't actually draw much power at a voltage... that they were more like capacitors where the change of voltage took power.
Maybe something is shorted on your device? I guess there may also be a resonant frequency where the piezo actually makes a decent amount of noise.
So just to be clear, you actually bought https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005726070115.html and that's what is in the picture above? Looks like a total bargain.