• So, I've been working for the last 15-20 minutes on a barcode displayer for the Bangle JS 2 (since my pebble died and I miss the Skunk app). I've started with implementing EAN-13 barcodes first.

    It works but on 1:1 scaling it is too small and due to the resolution of the screen I have to depend on the parity bit to fix the errors that occur when scaling it up to the full size of the screen.
    An EAN-13 barcode has 95 lines and with a resolution of 176 I can't do perfect scaling.
    The alternative would be to split it into 2 sections and depend on the decoding algorithms of barcode scanners. This would exclude non-laser barcode scanners though.
    Are people interested in this kind of app? If so I'll probably develop it further and put it in the app store.
    If not then I'll just make it functional for my barcodes and leave it at that.
    This is the code so far:

    // Function to generate EAN-13 barcode
    function generateEAN13(barcode) {
      const lineWidth = 1.8; // Adjust as needed. 1.8 fills the screen but causes errors that need to be fixed with the parity check.
      // Table for encoding the first digit
    var table_encoding = [
      ["000000", 0], ["001011", 1], ["001101", 2], ["001110", 3], ["010011", 4],
      ["011001", 5], ["011100", 6], ["010101", 7], ["010110", 8], ["011010", 9]
    // Encoding dictionary for L, G, and R patterns
    var dict = [
      ["0001101", "0011001", "0010011", "0111101", "0100011", "0110001", "0101111", "0111011", "0110111", "0001011"], // L
      ["0100111", "0110011", "0011011", "0100001", "0011101", "0111001", "0000101", "0010001", "0001001", "0010111"], // G
      ["1110010", "1100110", "1101100", "1000010", "1011100", "1001110", "1010000", "1000100", "1001000", "1110100"] // R
      if (barcode.length !== 13) {
        console.error("Barcode must be a string of length 13");
        return "";
      var firstDigit = parseInt(barcode[0]);
      var encoding = table_encoding[firstDigit][0];
      var ean13 = "101"; // Start marker
      // Encode the first 6 digits using the determined encoding
      for (var j = 1; j < 7; j++) {
        var usageIndex = parseInt(encoding[j-1]);
        ean13 += dict[usageIndex][parseInt(barcode[j])];
        if (j === 6) {
          ean13 += "01010"; // Center marker
      // Encode the last 6 digits using the R pattern
      for (var k = 7; k < 13; k++) {
        var rIndex = parseInt(barcode[k]);
        ean13 += dict[2][rIndex];
      ean13 += "101"; // End marker
      for (let i = 0; i < ean13.length; i++) {
        const binaryDigit = ean13[i];
        const x = i * lineWidth+3;
        if (binaryDigit === "1") {
          const startY = 10; // Starting y-coordinate
          var height = 100; // Height of the line, adjust as needed
          if (i<4 || i>91) {
            height = 110; // height of start and end marker, adjust as needed
          g.fillRect(x, startY, x+lineWidth-1, startY + height);
    g.drawString(barcode, 10, 115);
    // Render the graphics on the display
    // Example usage
    var barcodeDigits = "4055334874045"; // Replace with desired 13-digit EAN-13 barcode

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