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  • variant from this photo - this one looks worse as the opposite side of BLE antenna is populated by components - probably not very good design

    just noticed that on this PCB the D16 pin is brought to place with unpopulated something possibly third LED. So if one would sacrifice 2nd LED there would be 2 pins D17,D16 for I2C to possibly add something or use it as serial console.

    BTW I flashed Espruino over SWD to this and had my first NFC experience with Espruino, it works quite well :-) I even tried WebNFC in Chrome on Android and it worked too. However for some reason the Samsung Internet browser (based on Chrome too) does not work. I see no error but it does not get any NFC data when I tap it and also it does not ask for NFC permission like Chrome does.

  • Ah, this is something I'd like to try as well (NFC) :D Sadly I misplaced my puck.js and while I can prototype on the pixl.js it's a bit too bulky to try and place on my keychain.

    Nice to know that this one is good enough for NFC


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