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  • I've experimented a bit more and yeah, the extra H port is messing up some of the pins that Espruino expects are contiguous.

    I"ve since made a board def that's a lot simpler.

    # This file is part of Espruino, a JavaScript interpreter for Microcontrollers
    # Copyright (C) 2013 Gordon Williams <>
    # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
    # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
    # file, You can obtain one at
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # This file contains information for a specific board - the available pins, and where LEDs,
    # Buttons, and other in-built peripherals are. It is used to build documentation as well
    # as various source and header files for Espruino.
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    source ./scripts/ ALL
    rm bin/*.hex
    make clean && BOARD=XIAOBLE RELEASE=1 make ./bin/*.hex -c -f 0xADA52840
    mv flash.uf2 ~/Desktop/
    import pinutils
    info = {
        "name": "Seeed Xiao BLE",
        "link": [""],
        "default_console": "EV_USBSERIAL",
        # 'default_console' : "EV_SERIAL1",
        # 'default_console_tx' : "D6",
        # 'default_console_rx' : "D7",
        # 'default_console_baudrate' : "9600",
        "variables": 14000,  # How many variables are allocated for Espruino to use. RAM will be overflowed if this number is too high and code won't compile.
        # 'bootloader' : 1,
        "binary_name": "espruino_%v_xiaoble.hex",
        "build": {
            "optimizeflags": "-Os",
            "libraries": [
                #  'NET',
                # 'NFC',
            "makefile": [
                "DEFINES += -DESPR_LSE_ENABLE",  # Ensure low speed external osc enabled
                "DEFINES += -DCONFIG_GPIO_AS_PINRESET",  # Allow the reset pin to work
                "DEFINES += -DNRF_USB=1 -DUSB",
                "DEFINES += -DNEOPIXEL_SCK_PIN=33 -DNEOPIXEL_LRCK_PIN=34",  # nRF52840 needs LRCK pin defined for neopixel
                "DEFINES += -DSPIFLASH_READ2X",  # Read SPI flash at 2x speed using MISO and MOSI for IO
                "DEFINES += -DESPR_UNICODE_SUPPORT=1",
                "DEFINES += -DNRF_SDH_BLE_GATT_MAX_MTU_SIZE=131",  # 23+x*27 rule as per
                # 'DEFINES += -DPIN_NAMES_DIRECT=1', # Package skips out some pins, so we can't assume each port starts from 0
                "LDFLAGS += -Xlinker --defsym=LD_APP_RAM_BASE=0x2ec0",  # set RAM base to match MTU
    chip = {
        "part": "NRF52840",
        "family": "NRF52",
        "package": "AQFN73",
        "ram": 256,
        "flash": 1024,
        "speed": 64,
        "usart": 1,
        "spi": 1,
        "i2c": 2,
        "adc": 1,
        "dac": 0,
        "saved_code": {
            "address": ((0xF4 - 2 - 96) * 4096),  # Bootloader at 0xF4000
            "page_size": 4096,
            "pages": 96,
            "flash_available": 1024
            - (
                (0x26 + 0x20 + 2 + 96) * 4
            ),  # Softdevice 140 uses 38 pages of flash, bootloader 8, FS 2, code 10. Each page is 4 kb.
    devices = {
        "LED1": {"pin": "D26"},  # Pin negated in software
        "LED2": {"pin": "D30"},  # Pin negated in software
        "LED3": {"pin": "D6"},  # Pin negated in software
        # Pin D33 and D34 are used for clock when driving neopixels - as not specifying a pin seems to break things
        "BAT": {
            "pin_charging": "D17",  # active low
            "pin_voltage": "D31",
        "NFC": {"pin_a": "D9", "pin_b": "D10"},
        "SPIFLASH": {
            "pin_cs": "D25",
            "pin_sck": "D21",
            "pin_mosi": "D20",
            "pin_miso": "D24",
            "pin_wp": "D22",
            "pin_rst": "D23",
            "size": 4096 * 512,  # 2MB
            "memmap_base": 0x60000000,  # map into the address space (in software)
    # left-right, or top-bottom order
    board = {}
    # schematic at
    # pinout sheet
    # see also
    def get_pins():
        pins = pinutils.generate_pins(0, 47)  # 48 General Purpose I/O Pins.
        pinutils.findpin(pins, "PD2", True)["functions"]["ADC1_IN0"] = 0
        pinutils.findpin(pins, "PD3", True)["functions"]["ADC1_IN1"] = 0
        pinutils.findpin(pins, "PD4", True)["functions"]["ADC1_IN2"] = 0
        pinutils.findpin(pins, "PD5", True)["functions"]["ADC1_IN3"] = 0
        pinutils.findpin(pins, "PD9", True)["functions"]["NFC1"] = 0
        pinutils.findpin(pins, "PD10", True)["functions"]["NFC2"] = 0
        pinutils.findpin(pins, "PD17", True)["functions"]["NEGATED"] = 0
        pinutils.findpin(pins, "PD26", True)["functions"]["NEGATED"]=0;
        pinutils.findpin(pins, "PD28", True)["functions"]["ADC1_IN4"] = 0
        pinutils.findpin(pins, "PD29", True)["functions"]["ADC1_IN5"] = 0
        pinutils.findpin(pins, "PD31", True)["functions"]["ADC1_IN7"] = 0
        # battery charging current see
        # HIGH: 100mA, LOW: 50mA
        # D14 VBAT_ENABLE
        # enable battery voltage reading by digitalWrite(D14, false)
        # D17 CHG
        # get charge state via digitalRead(D17)
        # HIGHT: not charging, LOW: charging
        # D31 PIN_VBAT
        # everything is non-5v tolerant
        for pin in pins:
            pin["functions"]["3.3"] = 0
        return pins

    1 Attachment


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