• Hi, I just tried your code and it showed up once in the phone when connected to gadgetbridge like you said. However, when checking the log it does show multiple presses. So it does seem to be receiving them from the bangle, just not showing them in Android every time.

    I believe you only need the Android app for getting notifications, music control, find my phone, alarm syncing, battery status syncing, or forwarding your phones gps to the bangle. For Bluetooth print line you shouldn't need it, but I could be wrong.

  • However, when checking the log it does show multiple presses. So it does seem to be receiving them from the bangle, just not showing them in Android every time.

    Thanks for confirming. This is sort of what I suspected. Like maybe android is debouncing them somehow to avoid spamming the end user or something.

    For Bluetooth print line you shouldn't need it, but I could be wrong.

    Yeah that's what I thought but it doesn't seem to work at all if I uninstall the android integration app from the Bangle. Admittedly I am in a little over my head with this right now, but will probably understand it better after learning a bit more about how everything works.

    I agree that simple transmission seems to work without the app on the Bangle side, but gadget bridge doesn't seem to acknowledge them (even once, like when the app is installed). I'm guessing there's something in the integration app that might facilitate that.


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