Ok, thanks - yes you'd expect a few duplicates just because there's always a chance the value really will be the same two times in a row.
So on yours, even with the old algorithm it was still out? Because I could imagine the new algorithm might be expecting the time difference between samples to stay constant rather than varying slightly per sample, and that might throw it off - but the old one should have been fine
I could imagine the new algorithm might be expecting the time difference between samples to stay constant rather than varying slightly per sample, and that might throw it off
And from the log I attached you see this is the case? You see it is better on newer watches?
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Ok, thanks - yes you'd expect a few duplicates just because there's always a chance the value really will be the same two times in a row.
So on yours, even with the old algorithm it was still out? Because I could imagine the new algorithm might be expecting the time difference between samples to stay constant rather than varying slightly per sample, and that might throw it off - but the old one should have been fine