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  • Aha, service.startNotifications() was helpful, thanks.

    Sadly I've already built the device that has an ESP32-C3 potted inside it so it's inconvenient to change. Since it was working with gatttool I assumed it wouldn't be too much trouble to use it with a Bangle.js.

    I wrote a Bangle.js program that keeps retrying to connect until it works, but sometimes it takes several minutes to get a working connection even with the original Bangle.js (and it has still not worked even once on the Bangle.js 2). But it does work once it's connected.

    I'm thinking of inverting the "client" and "server" to see if that works any better. I.e. make the ESP32 connect to the Bangle.js and send readings that way instead. Slightly inconvenient that you can't use the Web IDE console while something else is connected to the Bangle.js though.


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