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  • I don't have any ESP32 that's not a C3, so I'd have to wait for one to arrive. Can you suggest what I should buy?

    I am now finding that it doesn't work at all even on the original Bangle.js. In fact in total I think it only worked once, and it's not obvious to me whether it actually worked, or just didn't notice that it didn't work.

    I know it says "connected", but it's not obvious to me that that callback runs after it actually connected, compared to when it merely thinks it was connected. The "connection failed to be established" error suggests it was never connected in the first place.

  • I don't have any ESP32 that's not a C3, so I'd have to wait for one to arrive. Can you suggest what I should buy?

    Then it probably not worth getting it just for this. Classic ESP32 chip is there for years, C3,S3,S2 are all relatively new so can be more buggy. I do have some ESP32 somewhere, will try.


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