Thanks for mentioning that. I was introduced to the ecosystem only days ago and did not find the existing keyboard libraries! Letting the user select their preferred input method is a great idea.
I may put my keyboard out there for others if I can distinguish it sufficiently from the existing ones. Right now it's similar to the multi-tap keyboard but with emphasis on speed via reduced character set.
Looking forward to getting a device in hand so I can do a better ergonomic comparison between what I've made and what's out there!
Well done for solving your problem! Not sure if you're aware, but there's a whole selection of keyboards available for the JS2: https://banglejs.com/apps/?c=textinput
Details of how to use them in your own app here: https://github.com/espruino/BangleApps/tree/master/apps/kbtouch
You might want to repackage your keyboard as a separate app so others can use it, or give people a choice of which keyboard they use to interact with your app.