Looking at the code there is a possibility that if it detected a second beat very close to the first one, it would drop it and then measure the time period between the second and third beat (rather than 1st and 3rd) - but in that case, counting beats should have given you an even higher value so I don't think that's it
I still don't know why the Health app claims my heart rate is 40 though.
No, that is very strange. The Health app should store what it considered was the latest, most accurate reading from the HRM. You could check what it thought the reading was for the current 10 minute block in the IDE with Bangle.getHealthStatus() or Bangle.getHealthStatus("last") for the last 10 minutes.
It might help you figure out whether it was the health app that wasn't recording the data correctly, or the Bangle firmware that was deciding that the 'best' HRM value was 40
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Looking at the code there is a possibility that if it detected a second beat very close to the first one, it would drop it and then measure the time period between the second and third beat (rather than 1st and 3rd) - but in that case, counting beats should have given you an even higher value so I don't think that's it
No, that is very strange. The Health app should store what it considered was the latest, most accurate reading from the HRM. You could check what it thought the reading was for the current 10 minute block in the IDE with
for the last 10 minutes.It might help you figure out whether it was the health app that wasn't recording the data correctly, or the Bangle firmware that was deciding that the 'best' HRM value was 40