Today i tried again and it stopped working again. Not a single GPS or GPS-raw event in more than 30 minutes under clear sky.
Hmm. I'm wondering whether this is to do with the recent Gadgetbridge code to allow the phone to access your device's GPS... What happens if you type Bangle.setGPSPower in the IDE? Does it say =function () { [native code] } or something else?
If it's something else it means that the Android Integration app has jumped in and taken control of the GPS
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Hmm. I'm wondering whether this is to do with the recent Gadgetbridge code to allow the phone to access your device's GPS... What happens if you type
in the IDE? Does it say=function () { [native code] }
or something else?If it's something else it means that the Android Integration app has jumped in and taken control of the GPS