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  • I am not having any luck with the WIZ550io myself. The DHCP deal with eth.setIP() seems to mostly work (although the MAC address is never correct) but it does grab a valid IP, and set the Subnet, Gateway & DNS appropriately. I can then ping it without issue. If I use a port scanner, I can see that port 80 is open right after I flash code to the Espruino but if I scan a couple of times the port will eventually be closed and if I actually try and point a browser to the IP the port will close immediately. If I try to use another port, such as 8080, it will never show up as open. I've been trying to use the simple code below without success?

    var eth = require("WIZnet").connect();
    var http = require("http");
    http.createServer(function (req, res) {
      res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
      res.end("Hello World"); 

    If I try to do an http.get I just get the "Socket error -7" message.

    I have two duplicate setups and I get the same results with both.

    I've been using the latest binary located at­mit_date/2014-04-14%2019:20:19%20+0100/e­spruino_1v62_espruino_1r3_wiznet.bin

    Any ideas?


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