I'm trying a clock_info to simplest clock.
I have done a new version of simplest clock that uses the new clock loading style. IE all the code between an opening and closing brace.
I'm getting the following error on the console when I try BTN1 and BTN3.
UncaughtError:Function"d"not found!
at line 1 col 15
infunction called from system
Here's my code for simplest clock
// must be inside our own scope here so that when we are unloaded everything disappears
// we also define functions using 'let fn = function() {..}' for the same reason. function decls are global
const h = g.getHeight();
const w = g.getWidth();
let draw =function(){
var date =newDate();
var timeStr =require("locale").time(date,1);
g.setFont('Vector', w/3);
g.drawString(timeStr, w/2, h/2);
// schedule a draw for the next minute
if(drawTimeout) clearTimeout(drawTimeout);
drawTimeout = setTimeout(function(){
drawTimeout =undefined;
// future use
let prevInfo =function(){
// future use
let nextInfo =function(){
// timeout used to update every minute
var drawTimeout;
// Show launcher when middle button pressed, add updown button handlers
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I'm trying a clock_info to simplest clock.
I have done a new version of simplest clock that uses the new clock loading style. IE all the code between an opening and closing brace.
I'm getting the following error on the console when I try BTN1 and BTN3.
Here's my code for simplest clock