Temperature & Barometer of the SPL06 read 0 again last week, so I discharged the battery again. After charging the Bangle both sensors worked again..for 1 hour.
I kept the thermom app open for approx 1 hour and at sometime it stopped updating the temperature. After issuing a long-press-reboot both sensor values read 0 again.
This time I did not want to fully discharge the watch again so I tried a soft reset with
Bangle.barometerWr(0x0c, 9)
Currently I get plausible sensor reading. Any ideas what is going on here?
I'm inclined to add this command to a boot file or somewhere in the settings menu if it happens more often.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
As a followup to https://forum.espruino.com/conversations/378757/#16645817
Temperature & Barometer of the SPL06 read 0 again last week, so I discharged the battery again. After charging the Bangle both sensors worked again..for 1 hour.
I kept the thermom app open for approx 1 hour and at sometime it stopped updating the temperature. After issuing a long-press-reboot both sensor values read 0 again.
This time I did not want to fully discharge the watch again so I tried a soft reset with
Currently I get plausible sensor reading. Any ideas what is going on here?
I'm inclined to add this command to a boot file or somewhere in the settings menu if it happens more often.