• Great, thank you very much for the clarification! At the risk of complicating the first "Bangle.js Development" tutorial too much, it would have been helpful if "'edge' : 'falling'" were included in the setWatch() example.

    Indeed, it must have been the case that my Bangle locked just before I pressed the button. I guess it might be helpful to display a 'locked' indicator in the widget area on the Bangle 1 as on the Bangle 2. I had assumed that on the Bangle 1, the screen was unlocked whenever the display was on.

    Finally, on my Bangle 1 I am able to observe the same behavior seen in the Emulator with the above code if I press, briefly hold, then release the button on the 'data' screen. But if I press and release the button quickly on my Bangle 1, showMenu evidently doesn't get the button 'up' event as the menu remains active, waiting for a selection.

    Thank you very much for looking into this, hopefully the info in this post will turn out to be useful to other Bangle developers as well.


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