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  • I'm working on a watch face that fills the whole screen including the widget area. I don't miss widgets because I find them too small to read at a glance, but I have added a second screen that briefly shows battery and step count (in a large font!) when I tap the watch face. I'm wondering if it's possible to include widgets just on that second screen.

    I've tried to do this by running Bangle.loadWidgets() and saving a copy of WIDGETS when the app is loaded, immediately before g.clear(). When the second screen is displayed I restore WIDGETS and run Bangle.drawWidgets(). After a timeout I set WIDGETS=[] before the original display is redrawn. This all works but I get an error message:

    Uncaught Error: Cannot read property 'width' of undefined
    at line 1 col 65 in widlock.wid.js
    in function called from system

    The restored copy of WIDGETS does contain ["lock"].width and anyway I get the same message if I run loadWidgets() again instead of restore plus drawWidgets(). The error doesn't seem to stop the watch running but I'd like to get rid of it. Is there a better way to toggle the widget display on/off?

    Thanks for any help.


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