Ok, so now I've been able to transmit a value from Wio Terminal through Arduino with this code.
Using nRF Connect I've verified that the value is updated frequently (see attached screenshot).
I've tried to get my head around Bluetooth communication through this, this, and other BT-tutorials found at Espruino.com, but I'm still at loss how to connect from Bangle.js2 and read this simple value, so would appreciate any help.
I purchased 3 Pucks around 6 years ago, and if I remember correctly it was very easy to connect them together through Bluetooth, but can't find that code now. Of course the current use case is not identical, so don't know how much it would help anyway.
Edit: Can't delete an attachment (the huge picture), sorry for that
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Ok, so now I've been able to transmit a value from Wio Terminal through Arduino with this code.
Using nRF Connect I've verified that the value is updated frequently (see attached screenshot).
I've tried to get my head around Bluetooth communication through this, this, and other BT-tutorials found at Espruino.com, but I'm still at loss how to connect from Bangle.js2 and read this simple value, so would appreciate any help.
I purchased 3 Pucks around 6 years ago, and if I remember correctly it was very easy to connect them together through Bluetooth, but can't find that code now. Of course the current use case is not identical, so don't know how much it would help anyway.
Edit: Can't delete an attachment (the huge picture), sorry for that
2 Attachments