• I tried it with the headers "Authorization", "authorization" and "test" and i got always the UnsupportedOperationException.
    Here a code to test it. You maybe need to create the endpoit, for that go to the page "https://ptsv2.com" and there you can create you a new endpoint.

    const http = require('http');
    setWatch(() => {
      E.showMessage('Start sending');
      Bangle.http(`https://ptsv2.com/t/bangleDump/post`, {
        headers: {test: 'Basic dGVzdDp0ZXN0'},
        method: 'POST',
        body: JSON.stringify({test: 1}, null, 2)
      }).then((response) => JSON.parse(response.resp)).catch((err) => {
        E.showMessage('fail ' + JSON.stringify(err));
        return Promise.reject(err);
      }).then((res) => {
        E.showMessage('Send Success');
    }, BTN1, {repeat: true, edge: "falling"});

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