• Perfect this is what i was looking for

    For me it seems best to simply update the bootloader to have a higher timeout on the watchdog.

    I will also do some work on a custom clock that locksdown the app code side, but that seems easier for me. My real problem was getting my head around the bootloader/firmware code.

    Thanks for guiding me in the right direction

  • For me it seems best to simply update the bootloader to have a higher timeout on the watchdog.

    Yes. It is just that replacing bootloader is not trivial and is a bit risky without having SWD debugger but yes this is the most sensible solution. Once the watchdog is started the interval NRF_WDT->CRV cannot be changed so bootloader is the only place to change it.

    BTW the code kicking watchdog is here
    it is inside if (!(jshPinGetValue(BTN1_PININDEX) )) so some variation of one time delayed kick even if button is held longer than some time could be implemented there too.


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