Well, that's better than we thought I guess! The circuitry can take quite a while to dry off though - under chips and especially in that 'tin can' a few minutes under hot air may not be enough to fix it.
The thermometer/barometer are the same chip, and might clear up after a while I guess. IIRC the barometer's normal value is around 1000 (when near sea level) so 700 may not be too far off.
The LCD seems usable at least - I wonder if you changed the theme to black on white it may not look so bad?
I've also noticed that the battery is draining much faster. Does this indicate that something is shorting?
Yes - it could be a sign the PCB isn't yet fully dry, but it could also be that there is still salt between some tracks. If you wanted to go further it might be worth desoldering the metal 'tin can' and seeing what's under there (no need to put it back really - although it may help with GPS sensitivity) as it could be corrosion around the GPS chip that is causing the increased power draw.
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Well, that's better than we thought I guess! The circuitry can take quite a while to dry off though - under chips and especially in that 'tin can' a few minutes under hot air may not be enough to fix it.
The thermometer/barometer are the same chip, and might clear up after a while I guess. IIRC the barometer's normal value is around 1000 (when near sea level) so 700 may not be too far off.
The LCD seems usable at least - I wonder if you changed the theme to black on white it may not look so bad?
Yes - it could be a sign the PCB isn't yet fully dry, but it could also be that there is still salt between some tracks. If you wanted to go further it might be worth desoldering the metal 'tin can' and seeing what's under there (no need to put it back really - although it may help with GPS sensitivity) as it could be corrosion around the GPS chip that is causing the increased power draw.