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  • ok, but it happens once (in my case), when I start the app, it scans, connects to Android, then I assume, it just listens for updates.

    yes, this was for case when periodically advertising the data (like temperarure, heartrate,...) directly without ever conecting, then for getting updated values one would need to scan repeatedly from phone => more phone battery usage

    as for getting console output, yes that could make that complicated or impossible, maybe reusing same connection could work from same phone (as per­6893/one-bluetooth-device-with-multiple-­apps ) but not from other devices. It definitely works from two different tabs in Chrome e.g one having app loader and second having web ide connected

  • then for getting updated values one would need to scan repeatedly from phone => more phone battery usage

    I thought after the connection between Central and Peripheral is established they agree on a receiving/transmission schedule and turn radio on just in time synchronously, during that periods GATT server may send characteristics updates. So no scan is required.

    With my POC GATT Current Time service I can even stop advertising at Android, and updates are still coming to my Bangle.

    It looks like in BLE Central/Peripheral is independent from Server/Client. It is possible to make Client to play Peripheral role and advertise. Then Server should scan. But it looks quite weird to me, I am used to a world where Servers listen and Clients initiate connection. :)


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