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  • Hi - the settings js file is a standalone bit of code that's run from the settings app. It looks like you're trying to call startDownload from the settings app - but it won't work because your app isn't loaded at that point... If you want to do it from both places I guess it's best to make it a library...

    It feels like what you're doing there should work though - maybe you can use the Web IDE's Storage menu to look at the files when you upload them via the IDE and the files when they're uploaded via the app loader and see if there's any difference?

    Just a note - you're overwriting the GB event handler there, and so you'll stop any other Gadgetbridge functionality from working while the app is running. Maybe that's not a big deal though.

    I do hope to build an http function into the android app very soon though, so hopefully you won't have to mess around with the GB function - you can just change to doing http(url)...


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