retty much all wrist-mounted heart-rate monitors tend to have trouble when you move your arm around but generally they use the accelerometer data so they can filter out false positives and still get some useful information out.
Recently I found interesting paper with some 'heavy handed' approach to this problem:
Motion Artifact Reduction in Wearable Photoplethysmography Based on Multi-Channel Sensors with Multiple Wavelengths
they use four typical sensors with multiple wavelengths plus accelerometer and try to do some motion compensation with that. Full download of the paper is available so lot of interesting info related to this problem there. See also citations below for more related papers.
Yes, right now this is to be expected. Pretty much all wrist-mounted heart-rate monitors tend to have trouble when you move your arm around but generally they use the accelerometer data so they can filter out false positives and still get some useful information out.
Espruino doesn't do this at the moment since it's trying not to use proprietary algorithms. However hopefully the current algorithm will get improved at some point.