The day I got my bangle I set it to a 24 hour clock and set the time and date, the next morning at 08:00 it was showing 06:00, I set the time again and looked at the clock later that afternoon, now the time was around 14:00 but my bangle was showing around 15:00, I set the time again, it's a few days later and I am writing this at 23:08 and noticed that my Bangle is showing 22:08, something is not right with the internal time keeping thingy, does anyone have any ideas as to what I can do to fix it? :)
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The day I got my bangle I set it to a 24 hour clock and set the time and date, the next morning at 08:00 it was showing 06:00, I set the time again and looked at the clock later that afternoon, now the time was around 14:00 but my bangle was showing around 15:00, I set the time again, it's a few days later and I am writing this at 23:08 and noticed that my Bangle is showing 22:08, something is not right with the internal time keeping thingy, does anyone have any ideas as to what I can do to fix it? :)