• What you're doing there with the getShoeImageSource function looks good to me.

    In terms of the different rendering, could it be that the default 'theme' is different on Bangle.js 1 and 2? 1 uses white on black, 2 uses black on white, but they are configurable.

    The layout library is a tricky one - it does use a lot more memory/time than just manually specifying sizes, but then it is a lot more flexible. I'd love to get the memory usage down, but it's hard as it does have to store the layout information for each UI element.

  • What you're doing there with the getShoeImageSource function looks good to me.

    Well, just measured and calling the getShoeImageSource takes 15ms

    >var d=Date();getShoeImageSource();d=Date().ms-d.ms;
    >var d=Date();getShoeImageSource();d=Date().ms-d.ms;

    writing to file and then drawing it from file vs from getShoeImageSource

    var s=require("Storage")
    >var d=Date();g.drawImage(s.read("yyshoeimage"),20,20);d=Date().ms-d.ms;
    >var d=Date();g.drawImage(getShoeImageSource(),20,20);d=Date().ms-d.ms;

    whether 15ms of CPU time is worth optimizing (for power, when e.g. redrawing watchface periodically) is of course debatable, if drawn every second it can make a difference.


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