• I tried to follow the tutorial here: http://www.espruino.com/Bangle.js+Storag­e but get no content for any file.

    I'm trying to read a json file from the app loader, but I always get 0 bytes. Maybe someone has a clue what I'm doing wrong, steps to reproduce:

    1. Running a local server with npm start
    2. Add a interface.html to any random app by adding
      "interface": "interface.html"
      to metadata.json
    3. Create interface.html with content from http://www.espruino.com/Bangle.js+Storag­e
    4. Replace 'gpspoilog.csv' with 'setting.json' because that file surely exists. But with the download button I get no data. Output in the console:

    readStorageFile "setting.json"
    comms.js:431 readTextBlock read started...
    comms.js:417 size is 0

    1 Attachment


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