I just got my banglejs2 a couple of weeks ago and started playing with it the other day.
I've begun building a text input system which I think could work pretty well for a smart watch. Original inspiration came from Scribble app by @enricorov.
I'm more or less a novice programmer and this is my first time writing javascript. Needless to say, the code could surely be shorter with improved readability if it was further split up in functions etc. However I feel like it's pretty performant!
The espruino documentation has been very helpful! So far I've done the 'first app' and 'clock' guide as well as looked to the reference for inspiration. Thanks!
Check it out and leave a comment! :) I've attached the code, just load it via the web ide. When I feel it's more or less done and cleaned up I'll look into adding it to the app loader.
How it works:
Drag along the red rectangle and release to select a letter.
Do the same for green rectangle to select number or punctuation.
Releasing on left or right part of black part of screen for backspace and space.
I use the standard dark theme. It's not very pleasant to use this with the light theme as of now.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
I just got my banglejs2 a couple of weeks ago and started playing with it the other day.
I've begun building a text input system which I think could work pretty well for a smart watch. Original inspiration came from Scribble app by @enricorov.
I'm more or less a novice programmer and this is my first time writing javascript. Needless to say, the code could surely be shorter with improved readability if it was further split up in functions etc. However I feel like it's pretty performant!
The espruino documentation has been very helpful! So far I've done the 'first app' and 'clock' guide as well as looked to the reference for inspiration. Thanks!
Check it out and leave a comment! :) I've attached the code, just load it via the web ide. When I feel it's more or less done and cleaned up I'll look into adding it to the app loader.
How it works:
Drag along the red rectangle and release to select a letter.
Do the same for green rectangle to select number or punctuation.
Releasing on left or right part of black part of screen for backspace and space.
I use the standard dark theme. It's not very pleasant to use this with the light theme as of now.
3 Attachments