• #2
Nice - thank you! It's always nice to know when people are enjoying using it :)
• #3
I might try turning this into a full-blown tutorial for the pages, but in case that never gets started, here's the code I've copy-pasted together:
var temperature; var humidity; var dht = require("DHT22").connect(D2); function onPage(req, res){ var page = temperature + "," + humidity; res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}); res.end(page); } function writeScreen(){ g.clear(); g.drawString(temperature, 0, 0); g.drawString(humidity, 0, 30); g.flip(); } // I2C I2C1.setup({scl:D5,sda:D4}); var g = require("SSD1306").connect(I2C1, writeScreen); g.setFont("4x6", 5); function readDHT(){ dht.read(function(a) { temperature = a.temp.toString(); humidity = a.rh.toString(); console.log("Temp is "+a.temp.toString()+" and RH is "+a.rh.toString()); }); writeScreen(); } setInterval(readDHT, 2000); require("http").createServer(onPage).listen(80);
My node.red asks http://esp_hostname.local for the page, and parses it as csv.
After getting the bangle 2, I realised I like this event-based loop more than arduino coding style, so I took a bit of yesterday afternoon to reprogram my home environment monitors to be espurinos.
Hardware-wise 8266 + dht22 + cheap screen.
I'm on the wrong pc right now, I'll copy-paste the code I threw on them, it's about 3 tutorials sewn together.
They were sending mqtt to an internal mosquitto server, but it kept falling over and it's a pain to unplug all 3 to fix them wired in. Now the node-red box queries them with the super tiny webserver the espurino can hold. Bonus - I can reprogram them over the air, at least when I'm at the right computer.