Today I ran a few km, about 50 minutes.
Following the directions the GPS got the signal in about 2 minutes, I enabled on "record" GPS, battery, steps and HR.
I started with about 60% battery, I came back with 58%.
Although the reading of the battery may be untrue, I would say that the test was more than satisfactory.
A detail that I do not know if it is important, before exiting I realized that I still had the bootloader version 2.10 and I made the update to 2.12.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Today I ran a few km, about 50 minutes.
Following the directions the GPS got the signal in about 2 minutes, I enabled on "record" GPS, battery, steps and HR.
I started with about 60% battery, I came back with 58%.
Although the reading of the battery may be untrue, I would say that the test was more than satisfactory.
A detail that I do not know if it is important, before exiting I realized that I still had the bootloader version 2.10 and I made the update to 2.12.