I tend not to use the Emulator mainly as I need to interact with the sensor parts of the Bangle.
However one the things I find awkward on a Chromebook is having the Emulator pop up in an entirely different window.
Is there a way to configire the IDE so that the console screen space on the LHS could be split horizontally and the simulator form the top part ?
I have done a sort of mock up below by putting the emulator window over the top of the LHS pane. But obviously it will disappear and lose focus as soon I click on anything.
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I tend not to use the Emulator mainly as I need to interact with the sensor parts of the Bangle.
However one the things I find awkward on a Chromebook is having the Emulator pop up in an entirely different window.
Is there a way to configire the IDE so that the console screen space on the LHS could be split horizontally and the simulator form the top part ?
I have done a sort of mock up below by putting the emulator window over the top of the LHS pane. But obviously it will disappear and lose focus as soon I click on anything.
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