Executed your code, now waiting for the battery to flatten. The battery already was empty once since this behavior started, but just naturally, no flattening.
The first time I noticed this behavior was indeed after the bootloader + firmware update, it could be that it started shortly before and I didn't notice because I didn't access the menu, but it still is weird.
Hardware-wise, the Bangle was treated extremely well, no water contact, never even fell down.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Executed your code, now waiting for the battery to flatten. The battery already was empty once since this behavior started, but just naturally, no flattening.
The first time I noticed this behavior was indeed after the bootloader + firmware update, it could be that it started shortly before and I didn't notice because I didn't access the menu, but it still is weird.
Hardware-wise, the Bangle was treated extremely well, no water contact, never even fell down.