Regarding the gauge question, somewhere in a thread I posted code for drawing a ring. It used the Andres circle algorithm. I have some variations for drawing partial circles (for a gauge) on my computer. It worked wonderfully in the emulator but when I got my hands on the real thing it was too slow, so it is on my to do list to redo in C. I notice that there is already code in Espruino to draw a thick ring (filled annulus) but doesn't seem to be exposed in JavaScript, so that could be a starting point for a different approach, but in current form doesn't deal with the "partial" bit.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Regarding the gauge question, somewhere in a thread I posted code for drawing a ring. It used the Andres circle algorithm. I have some variations for drawing partial circles (for a gauge) on my computer. It worked wonderfully in the emulator but when I got my hands on the real thing it was too slow, so it is on my to do list to redo in C. I notice that there is already code in Espruino to draw a thick ring (filled annulus) but doesn't seem to be exposed in JavaScript, so that could be a starting point for a different approach, but in current form doesn't deal with the "partial" bit.