when you're standing still, distance will now tick up slightly
Its possible this may not be significant, when I did the accuracy test I was seeing a very low, 0m difference between 2 points when using AGPS.
I'll try and give this a test run tomorrow lunchtime and let you know.
Any thoughts on the label collisions / overcrowding. I would have done a PR at the weekend but was not sure I fully understood how the new Estats module worked without more study of the code.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Its possible this may not be significant, when I did the accuracy test I was seeing a very low, 0m difference between 2 points when using AGPS.
I'll try and give this a test run tomorrow lunchtime and let you know.
Any thoughts on the label collisions / overcrowding. I would have done a PR at the weekend but was not sure I fully understood how the new Estats module worked without more study of the code.