• I have this source code

    class Field {
      constructor(index, buttonsPerLine) {
        console.log("Constructor called");
    var f0=new Field(0,3);

    When I upload it into the Bangle 2 emulator using the Web IDE, I get "Constructor called" on the console, as expected.

    When I upload it with enabled Esprima minification, I get

    Uncaught ReferenceError: "Field" is not defined
    at line 1 col 61
    ...Constructor called')}}var f0=new Field(0,3)

    When I shrink the source code to simply

    class Field {
      constructor(index, buttonsPerLine) {
    var f0=new Field(0,3);

    I see the following error message on uploading the minified code:

    Uncaught ReferenceError: "Field" is not defined
    at line 1 col 28
    class a{constructor(a,b){}}var f0=new Field(0,3)

    To me it seems that the Esprima minificator changes the name of the defined class from "Field" to "a" and then cannot find the class "Field" - which is not too surprising…

    Is this expected behaviour? Am I doing something wrong? I'm quite new to Javascript programming but to me the code looks totally reasonable.

    Any help appreciated!
    Best regards,
